Congrats, see the power of individual makes a difference again.
David Templeton
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Mon Nov 13 18:38:24 2000
Subject: Legal question- non LBC RESOLVED!!
Hey all,
Good news! Thanks to the confidence boost I received from the list regarding
my legal query, the car is mine. I argued with the owner for a while, he
insisting he has no obligation to sell me the car whatsoever. When he tried
to give me my deposit back, I told him I will collect it in court. He played
tough until the end, even showed me to the door, at which time I told him
anyone he sells the car to will be coming back, because I am on my way to
DMV to make the car un-sellable. He then finally broke, and before too long
was on my way in a new (to me) 1967 Camaro. I want to thank the list for
making it happen, especially Fred, Bob, Paul, Hector, Scott and Dave.
Avi & Cheech the'78 Spit