Personally, with those cars you should be out driving and having a great
time. I have always wanted a Mini. When I go to shows the Mini owners as
a group seem to enjoy their cars more than others. They don't get bent
out of shape if the car next to them is a conglomerate of years. The body
from 1 year, the engine from another, the interior different yet. They
just like to drive them.
Roger Elliott
70 GT6
80 Spitfire
64 TR4
On Fri, 3 Nov 2000 wrote:
> Well, if that is all true, what do triumph owners think of MG and Austin
> owners? Besides the 64 Spit and 75 TR-7 I also have a 70 MGB-GT and a 72
> Austin Mini. Should I hate everyone or just myself or maybe I should just sit
> in the garage and ignore everyone else;)
> Brad