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RE: Making an ignition box

To: "'Ken C'" <sdspitfire@worldnet.att.net>,
Subject: RE: Making an ignition box
From: "Graziano, Michael" <michael.graziano@csfb.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 17:10:19 +0100

I've got a box from CEI kit.  I have no use for it,  but you folks might be 
able to use it.

All for the cost of shipping.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken C [mailto:sdspitfire@worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 9:50 AM
To: Spit Elist
Subject: Re: Making an ignition box


A similar problem... I bought a '79 motor which came with the distributor,
but no box. A complete, working distributor would be great.  The distributor
itself just has a magnetic pick-up. There used to be aftermarket ignition
systems that used mag pick-ups.

Ken C
'72 Spit

> My 1980 Spitfire is equipped with a lucas electronic ignition.  The one
> with the little black box that sits on the firewall.  Mine is happily
> corroding itself into nothingness.  Being somewhat a skinflint, I refuse
> to pay the big bucks for this thing, and figure surely I can make my
> own.  It's only got 4 wires going to it.  Two to the coil, and two to
> the distributor pickup.  How complex can it be?!
> I've opened the box up, and admired the remarkably empty space.  One
> capaciter of unknown capacity, one thingie that looks like a capaciter
> but isn't (unless it's a shorted one). and a black do-hicky that I swear
> I recognize from something else.  That's just three thingies I need to
> come up with to replace the entire guts of the box.
> Now I remember seeing a message once where someone said the Lucas unit
> was a GM unit, or something like that.  But not being a GM nut, I don't
> know their pieces.
> So, have any of you folks ever made your own ignition box replacement?
> Any good websites or books that would help me figure out how to do this
> correctly?  Anyone know the values or identities of the three pieces I
> need to replace?

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