I'm sorry to hear that impending Fatherhood is robbing you of your Spit. I
seem to have managed to combine parenthood and Spitfire ownership. My wife
has her own car - my thinking is that only one car needs to be capable of
carrying the whole family, and hers does that fine, so mine doesn't need to.
Daffy is my only car, not a weekends-only toy, and since I have to have a car,
and there was no point replacing her with another car, Daffy stayed!
BTW, child seats fit fine in the front of a Spit, and Flora (1 year-old
daughter) loves driving with the top down - or at least she did while the
weather was still warm enough in the UK to do so! This time of year I have
the hard-top on, but Flora still rides with me the two mornings a week that I
drop her off at her nursery.
In any case, congratulations on your approaching Fatherhood! The next 6 months
may seem like the longest wait of your life!
Richard and Daffy (child seat now a permanent fixture)