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Re: Wiring harness routing

To: Howard Baugues <bauguesh@abcs.com>
Subject: Re: Wiring harness routing
From: Fred Griffiths <griffco@mail.cadvision.com>
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 19:50:44 -0600
Hi Howard,
    Having just stripped a MK IV, here are my observations, from memory.
Hope they are helpful.

>From the hole in the firewall neat the fuse box, progress through the
opening behind the bulkhead brace toward the centre of the car, then turn
down the front firewall.

Then forward, as if the valance was there,  (I think they were clipped to
the metal rail along the top of the cardboard valance.)  It goes over the
top of the suspension turret, just inboard, then down again to the front
frame rail.  Then  bends toward the centre of the car where the junctions
are for the headlights/parking/signal lights.  That cable then comes back to
the left and up the bonnet brace, clipped to it.


Cheers, Fred

Howard Baugues wrote:

> Would anyone have a digital picture of the routing of how the harness
> goes down beside the engine and under or around the suspension on the
> way to the bonnet? I have been replacing the frame on my Spit and taking
> pics as I go to help remember how to reassemble, but I did not get a
> shot of how the harness ran from the firewall to the bonnet. I am trying
> top get my car running today... (cross your fingers). I still need to
> rebuild the master cylinder and clutch cylinder and reinstall the bonnet
> and front bumper. I am struggling with the harness, and am not sure
> where it runs under the suspension.
> If you can help, I would appreciate it. You can send pics or suggestions
> direct rather than overloading the list.
> Thanks in advance.
> Howard Baugues
> 76 Spitfire 1500
> Indiana
> --
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> http://users.abcs.com/bauguesh/
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Never be afraid to try something new.
> Remember that amateurs built the ark.
> Professionals built the Titanic.

Fred & Wendy Griffiths,
Calgary, Canada
mailto: griffco@cadvision.com

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