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Re: RE: Gore and the Internal Combustion Engine

To: Spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: RE: Gore and the Internal Combustion Engine
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Mon, Sep 11 2000 12:28:48 GMT-0600
Before everyone gets all upset over what appears to be a peice of imflammatory 
propaganda, let's look at this calmly and rationally and historically.

For one thing-the 'story' of Gore claiming invention of the Internet is a 
missquote-sort of like many of those Dan Quayle legendary malaprops. (I can't 
believe I'm sort of defending Quayle! Don't let my aunt know!)

The quote given says nothing about internal combustion engines-it makes a 
statement about the environment. The writer takes it from there. 

Gore is merely re-stating what enviromentalists have been saying for years. And 
I do mean *years*. I'm over 40, and can remember hearing this sort of thing 
since the 3rd grade. You do the math. (Then again, back then there was also a 
great concern about over-population-which today pops up once in a while like 
it's a new thing...)

My mother and step-father worked in smog control in the early '70s here, in 
L.A. His company had an emissions device that was more effective than the 
catalytic converter-and affected engine performance a lot less. The battles 
they had with the Sacremento. My mum told me that Reagan (when he was gov.) was 
very helpful and wanted to see that we Californians had a choice in smog 
device. But that Jerry Brown was a lot less helpful and his government killed 
the project. And so the catalytic converter became 'king'.

But, even before those years, as a child, I remember hearing people talking 
about how we were going to have to find a less polluting engine-and one that 
wouldn't use up all the oil in the world. 

People just sometimes treat Al Gore as a new bubonic plague! Wake up-they've 
been trying to get junker bills passed in California since the late 1980s (as 
far as I know-I was out of the country for a long time). They've come close. 
But, we keep fighting them. And it's not just junkers they want off the road. I 
think there is a definite coalition between policy makers and car companies-the 
more regulations that they put on the books, the more it forces people to buy 
newer cars (making money for car companies); and the more it penalizes people 
who don't have the means to keep up with emissions (and safety) laws.

On the news the other night, they were talking about how it's expected to have 
federal legislation on emissions that will push towards electric vehicles in 
the next few years. That is truly horrifying-not from a classic cars point of 
veiw, but from the point of view that a.) the automotive industry says there's 
no way it can be ready for this-the cost of the electric car batteries being 
very high and the range being rather short. Technology not quite being there 
yet. And b.) the electric cars that are available are prohibitively expensive 
for the majority of the population! (Most today are lease only-not available 
for outright purchase and the credit check and income requirements are quite 
high. Face it-the majority of the U.S. populations makes less than 100k a year!)

And who is this congress who's trying to push this through? 
Isn't Congress predominately Republican? I'm more worried how someone like me 
would ever be able to afford a one of these new wonder vehicles. And there are 
millions upon millions who wouldn't be able to have transportation-it would be 
an economic disaster.

And then there industry-take trucking to begin with. And how would a 
developement affect mass transportation? (L.A. transit workers are clammering 
for a strike as it is because they want nedical benefits and some 
guarentees!-Can you imagine if in a few years they;re told they can't have 
benefits or a living wage because of costly, government mandated 'equipement 
upgrades'? And because there would be all the people who can longer have a 
car-there would be more people depending on a transit system that is 

So, if one sits down, does a little research, a little logical thinking,-get 
beyond a knee jerk re-action of fear- one would see that the first letter is 
propogandist rhetoric from someone (I don't know who this 'Dean Blythe' is, but 
could be someone who fears and hates Al Gore the way medievel people hated the 
Black Plague!) The best thing to do, is as many of us have been for the last 10 
years-research the issues; write to our representatives; sign petitions; be 
politically active. And band together. You don't have to join a local car 
club-Hemmings Motor News has been active in informing people and organizing 
ways of letting the legislature know how we, the hobbyist, feel on these 

(And yes, I'm voting for Gore-I don't feel that the confiscation and 
destruction of all the LBCs and LICs and old American classics is a terrible 
threat-they'll just make it more difficult to keep these cars-but we'll just 
keep fighting it. I'm voting for Gore bscause I am desperate for Health care-as 
are a very great many people in this country.)

Keep Triumphing! (In more ways than one!) ;-)

Laura G.

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