Heh heh heh.... He said "Escutcheon plate".... Heh heh heh...
> Press really hard on the panel and insert something like a putty knife
between the escutcheon plate and the crank. Then take a
> finishing nail clamped into a vice grip and push the pin out. The crank
will then fall off.
> Regards,
> Joe
> AandHVentures@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Greetings all,
> > Well, the new door panels that I have been promising to my wife are now
> > finished & ready to be installed. One question: does anyone have a
> > suggestion as to how to remove the window crank handle on a MkIV?
> > strong language inserted just prior to window crank). TIA
> >
> > Andy Henderson