Well if you have an overdrive DO NOT put synthetic in.
THat will mess up your bands and require an overhaul.
If it's a 4 speed I would say sure. What does
everyone else say?
--- Bradley D Richardson <bradrichardson@juno.com>
> Before I put my finished seats back in my 79 Spit,
> before I put the
> carpet back, I want to change the tranny's oil. The
> tranny is in good
> shape, with 89,000 miles on it. I'm thinking about
> synthetic oil, but
> I'm wondering what the collective expertise is in
> this area. Should I go
> with synthetic, or just regular? Any brand
> preferred?
> Brad
> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.
-Mark Holbrook-
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