Carter Shore wrote:
> Hmm, good points, but but the bottom line is strength
> and ease of application vs welding.
...and to which I reply that *NOTHING* is easier, faster,
and cheaper than welding. I can't imagine drilling all kinds
of holes, fuddling with rivets and so on, and I even have
an air powered rivet gun! Pick up the MIG welder and zing,
move on to something else.
This brings me back to my original point which I still
stand by.
The only people who seem to prefer other methods of
panel joining are either financially unable to buy a welder
or just generally afraid of the whole welding thing.
Make your own decision, but I highly suggest that if
you really are trying to defend rivetting body panels
together, you are simply trying VERY hard in your mind
to convince yourself that you don't need to learn to
weld, and letting the facts bend around your wishes.
Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933
"A dog like this you have to feed EVERY DAY." - Homer Simpson