Yes, I remember the one! It was at Stafford last year, with a For Sale sign on
it. (On show, not in the competition, because it had one Best of Show a few
years before and cars that win that aren't allowed to re-enter for a couple of
years - don't remember the exact details.)
This year, it was at Stafford again, but with no For Sale sign. I asked some
questions, and found out it had been bought, but I don't know by whom.
It really is a beautiful car.
(For those who are wondering how it can win concourse, TSSC have a Modified
Spitfire class and an Unmodified Spitfire class (as well as modified/unmodified
for other club cars). It was obviously entered into the Modified section.)
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 14:03:47 +0100
From: Davies William-qswi646 <>
Subject: RE: Silver cars
There's a particularly well known cosmetically customised Silver Spit
(MkIV/1500 shape) which has won lots of (UK) concourse prizes over the last
couple of seasons. I seem to remember it was advertised for sale earlier
this year. Sorry I don't know any more details - it was so far removed from
what Spitfires mean to me that I never really paid much attention to it,