I'm going to keep this short because I don't want to take to much of
anyone's time. I look at this list as a technical list. I look to this
list for technical info, and a place to think about, and talk to others
about my interest. No more and no less. I'm sure I would feel hurt if it
were me in that position. However remember 1. All but a couple are
amateurs on this list. 2. No one knows it all, even though there are a
couple of owl types. 3. Most of the people on this list are good people,
and I look forward to opening my mail. One of the things I like about this
list is the diversity of backgrounds. Different people have different areas
of expertise, and I have learned things that I would otherwise not known.
For example, I have learned that the front trunions are supposed to have
gear oil in them. We have been greasing them for YEARS without knowing,
simply because who would have told us? Then there are those that will write
outside there areas of expertise simply because they like to write. I
figure it is all part of a list like this. There is always going to be
chatter, and big deal.
The point I guess I am trying to make is I would hate to see this list
degrade into the nontopic drivel I am currently writing.
Sorry, John