Hi all,
Still pondering a bolt-on exhaust for my GT6. Both Rimmer & TSSC
offer a full-stainless system, including tubular manifold.
Rimmer's goes for about $480, and TCCS's for about $680 (excl.
shipping in both cases).
Besides price, is there any reason to prefer one over the other?
(I'm a little concerned about how low the Rimmer kit hangs under
the car.)
Thanks for any BTDT (and say, do you have to join the TSSC
before you can buy their stuff?)
Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp. Larceny, n. A sturdy fiber
ZKO 110 Spit Brook Rd. of which the human heart is
603-884-0501 Nashua, NH USA 03062 more or less composed.