I have to concur in the 'feel' department.
Laura G.
>I've owned both, a 66 B and my present 71 Spit.
>There is a difference in the "feel" . When I'm in the Spit it feels like I
>am part of the car if that makes sense. I felt a little insulated in the B,
>it might be due to the B being larger and heavier, but I feel like I wear
>the Spit and I was along for the ride in the B.
>I wrecked the B, a lady in a 76 Chevy Caprice pulled in front of me and I
>hit the left rear quarter of that TANK. The B went under the chevy as far
>back as the engine block. I wasn't hurt, scared the poop out of me but if I
>have had the same thing with the Spit I have no doubt that I would have had
>some leg damage.
>So, I like the Spit between the two, but given a choice against a MGB-C with
>the six cylinder.... well that's another Horse power story.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou
>Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 8:43 AM
>To: spitfire list
>Subject: Re: sacralige or ????
>Myself, I've always wanted to see a reasonably objective
>comparison of the MGB and Spitfire. I am not that familiar
>with MGs (at least compared to Triumphs!).
>Back when I bought my car and I was considering the Triumph vs. MG
>question, I went with the Spit since it had that so-cool bonnet,
>plus MGs seemed to have more of a "fashion accessory" reputation
>(at least in CA).
>Doug Braun
>'72 Spit
>At 05:22 AM 8/7/00 -0700, larry hooven wrote:
>><flame suit>
>>i am considering the purchase of another LBC, a 1973 MG MGB. (hence the
>>suit). it appears to be not unlike the spitfire in configuration, can any
>>you closet mg owners confim/deny any like attributes to the spitfire, being
>>3000 miles removed from my spit is having an effect on me :).... car is
>>supposedly complete cept for the standard no floor pan/ fred flintstone
>>any information would be greatly appreciated.
>></flame suit>
>>larry (I hope someday to Drive my triumph) hooven 1979 spitfire fm99248u,
>>"Second place is just the first loser" -John Force
>>"A postitive attitude may not solve all of your problems, but it will annoy
>enough people to make it worth the effort" - herm albright