If you see Bob Muzio or Hermann van den Akker-any of the TRSC or SCTOA
guys-give them my best!
I'm thinking of all of ya up there in 'God's Country'!
(p.s.-give Reid and Ralph Janelli big hugs from me! ;-) Awww, what the heck
-give all the listers a big hug!)
Laura G.
>From: "alemen@pop.ftconnect.com" <alemen@pop.ftconnect.com>
>Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 11:24:52 -0400
>To: "spitfires@autox.team.net" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
>Subject: VTR 2000
>Well I went last night for the opening. Lots of folks, nice cars, but only a
>few spitfires :-(
>Well mine will be there today and hopefully Reid will have his fixed by
>tonight to add 2 more cars.
>I'll try and update with more info in the eveings. Today is the autocross and
>wine tour.
>I'm in at work for a couple of hours. Also have my digital camera so if there
>are any listers at the meet I'll try to get a shot of them and their car and
>post on my web site (not updated for months). I may not get the pics up for a
>couple of weeks as I go the the UK on vacation on Monday though :-)
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