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Spitfire Database Monthly Upload DONE

To: Spitfire Enthusisats List <spitfire-enthusiast@egroups.com>,
Subject: Spitfire Database Monthly Upload DONE
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 14:36:38 -0700
After fits and starts, I have finally completed the monthly upload to the 
International Triumph Spitfire Database.  

New stuff include:

126 new entries and more that were updated

New Tips

One new Photo

New Links added to both the Home page and the Links Page

I would have rotated more of the Photos, but because of a disk failure a couple 
of months ago, I lost almost all of my Photos.  I could
have blamed this on the "Love Bug" virus but I won't since it was my own 
stupidity that caused them not to be backed up properly. 

So Please send in your Spitfire photos, so I can rebuild my collection.

Joe Curry

P.S. Any newcomers who have not already added your Spit to the database, please 
do so.  The Site URL is:

The data entry page is: http://home1.gte.net/spitlist/spitfire.html (That's 
Andy Mace's "Hardly Boys Race Spit" on the data entry page)

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  • Spitfire Database Monthly Upload DONE, Joe Curry <=