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FW: Triumph Service Voucher book

To: "'triumphs@autox.team.net'" <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Subject: FW: Triumph Service Voucher book
From: Chris De Wet <DeWetC1@sapo.co.za>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 16:19:31 +0200

Just had to publicly say THANK YOU to Mr. Justin Wagner for sending me the
Triumph Service Voucher Book ( free of charge ).    :-)    :-)    :-)

I took a chance and never expected Justin to actually even consider sending
it to me .( I really thought Justin made a joke when he replied that the
book was on its way . ) It's very easy to promise something to someone when
he's far away . It's not always so easy to actually deliver . Justin
delivered and in my books he really is a great man . 

Now I'm off to my local Triumph Service Centre to redeem my first voucher on
a complete Spitfire service  :-) . And since this seems to be my lucky week
I'll check my PO Box tomorrow morning for my complete Mk1 Spitfire overdrive
conversion kit that someone will send . :-) 

Once again : Thank you Justin .

Kind regards
Chris de Wet
PO Box 472 , Ifafi , 0260 , South Africa .
One '56 TR3 with o/d , two Heralds and four early Spitfires without o/d .

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris De Wet 
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 12:05 PM
To: 'jmwagner'
Subject: RE: Triumph Service Voucher book
Importance: High

Dear Justin

The service voucher book arrived !  :-)     :-)    :-)     :-)
Did you hear me shout with joy ? THANK YOU VERY MUCH . The book is great ,
life is great and you are a great guy ! You are being recommended to every
Triumph owner I encounter in South Africa and as soon as it becomes
necessary I will order my gaskets from you .
Please let me know if you need any early Spitfire parts . I don't have many
parts , but if I can help you with something I will . If you ever visit
South Africa , you and your family are most welcome to stay with us on the
farm ( near Pretoria ) .

Once again , thank you very much Triumph friend . 
Best wishes
Chris de Wet
PO Box 472 , Ifafi , 0260 , South Africa .

-----Original Message-----
From: jmwagner [mailto:jmwagner@greenheart.com]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 10:09 AM
To: Chris De Wet
Subject: Re: Triumph Service Voucher book

I think a couple weeks ago...

It's a freebie...

Get some friends together one day and buy a couple gaskets for their TR's or
something... but no hurry... and not required... : )

Hope you can make use of it...


P.S. Did you really think I could send it to anyone else after your e-mail?
even forwarded it to another guy who asked for it...someone I have gotten to
know in the group... in fact... a leader in the Triumph clubs of the USA...
asked him...  and he agreed... that while he wanted it... it was meant to go

Chris De Wet wrote:

> Justin
> No , unfortunately not yet . I was not aware that I was the chosen one .
> have made me very happy . Thank you very much . Mail delivery takes about
> to 10 weeks from USA to SA . On which date and by which means did you send
> the book ? What do I owe you ?
> Once again , your kindness are highly appreciated , Triumph friend .
> Kind regards .
> Chris de Wet
> PO Box 472 , Ifafi , 0260 , South Africa .
> One '56 TR 3 with o/d , two Heralds and four early Spitfires without o/d .
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jmwagner [mailto:jmwagner@greenheart.com]
> Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 6:34 PM
> To: Chris De Wet
> Subject: Re: Triumph Service Voucher book
> Did you receive it?
> --Justin
> Chris De Wet wrote:
> > Justin
> >
> > PLEASE      PLEASE      PRETTY PLEASE   !!!!!
> >
> > Wow !!! You've found something I always tought unobtainable .
> > Altough I reside in South Africa I sincerely hope that the following
> > put me in the race ( please :-) ):
> >
> > Current age 30 ( 31 in June ). Employed as an occupational health and
> safety
> > advisor by a large national company .
> >
> > I bought my first car , a 12/50 Herald , in 1986 . I now own five early
> > Spitfires ( four Mk1's + one Mk2 )and two Heralds ( 1200 Coupe + 12/50
> > Saloon ) . The oldest Spitfire is a December 1962 ( or early 1963 )
> > and is the oldest Spitfire 4 in South Africa .After a 3 year search I
> > finally bought my first TR 3 ( 1956 model ) on 10 January 2000 . ( Since
> my
> > wife and bank manager want to kill me , I think i should stop buying
> > Triumphs for a while :-( But I've got my eye on a nice TR4 . he he ! ).
> >
> > Triumphs are my only form of transport and there are no Triumph parts
> > suppliers in SA  . Couple this with the fact that I go for total
> originality
> > and you may think I'm a little nutty , everyone else does  :-)  .
> >
> > So far I have been lucky enough in obtaining the original Spitfire 4
> owners
> > manual and colour sales brochure . I've also found the original Stanpart
> > parts manual for the herald 1200 and 12/50 .( a big greyish file type
> > with pictures , descriptions and part numbers for every Herald part ) .
> The
> > TR3 I bought came with an original parts book ( huge redish book almost
> like
> > an old Christian Bible with pictures , descriptions and part numbers )
> > the previous owner promised to look for an original owners manual which
> > thinks he might have somewhere .
> >
> > All the above books ( except TR3 ) have been restored to almost perferct
> > condition and are always available to any Triumph enthusiast . I've
> already
> > managed to make perfect copies of everything i have and forwarded it to
> > everyone that asked .
> >
> > If the service voucher book should come to me , i promise to restore and
> > make it available to everyone . If not , I ask only one big favour .
> Please
> > forward a copy ( photostat or similar ) to me . I would be eternally
> > grateful . please let me know . TIA
> > Best wishes
> >
> > Chris ( fingers crossed ) de Wet
> > PO Box 472 , Ifafi , 0260 , South Africa
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: jmwagner [mailto:jmwagner@greenheart.com]
> > Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 10:28 AM
> > To: Triumph Newsgroup
> > Subject: Triumph Service Voucher book
> >
> > I have a "Triumph Service" booklet  ("Facilities Available to Owners of
> > Vitesse 6, Spitfire 4, Herald 1200, Herald 12/50")...  fairly beat up,
> > but complete except for one 500 mile voucher removed.
> >
> > It reminds me of the old Disney ticket book... albeit the size of the
> > usual glove box booklets...  where you remove vouchers for each of the
> > required services.  (no E-tickets here of course!)
> >
> > I would like to give this to someone that is putting together some sort
> > of historical library for this range of cars.  Someone that would make
> > this available to yet another person, in the future, should someone want
> > to reprint this for the concours enthusiasts, etc...
> >
> > If this sounds like you, please reply in private.  I will forward this
> > booklet to the most appropriate response.
> >
> > It has vouchers up to 96,000 miles and a bunch of winter services
> > vouchers.  There's about 10 pages of introduction, recommendations, etc.
> >
> > Let me know, don't be shy.
> >
> > --Justin

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