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Re: eBay - 320904952 - water pump

To: "Graziano, Michael" <michael.graziano@csfb.com>,
Subject: Re: eBay - 320904952 - water pump
From: "Peter C." <nosimport@mailbag.com>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 12:39:23 -0500
Good catch Mike!
        The part number 28-04006 is correct for the Spitfidget 1500
        The PART is NOT.... looks like an MGB pump to me. 
        In the parts business it never happens that someone wants a part for an 
and doesn't know what kind, so assumes it is for a B. Then they figure that
that was wrong, the parts guy sends a Midget pump, then the "mechanic"
returns the expensive box with the cheaper part. ..... never happens.
        never happens all the time.
        Peter C
Mike, say Hi to Susie for me.

At 12:16 PM 5/2/2000 , Graziano, Michael wrote:
>Is it me,  or is that not a water pump for a Midget 1500.......?  Anyone?
>Michael Graziano

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