I've got a single rail non-o/d gearbox for sale, inc bellhousing, nearly new
rear mountings, lever & knob. It was in my MKiv which has a 1500 engine,
prob sourced from dolomite as commision prefix is YC - dated around 1979.
It's 20 spline input shaft. Perfect working order when removed from car
(which now has an o/d conversion). Anyone interested at 50 pounds? Its in
Maidstone Kent England.
Has anyone got any clues why my rebuilt car is now leaning to the PASSENGER
side? All new springs fr & rear, shocks, bushes, trunnions f & rear etc..
The compressed length of my passenger side spring is 1/2 to 3/4 inch shorter
than the drivers side. Is it likely a susp bolt is overtight? (though they
were all correctly torqued) If i cant sort it i'll have to fit unequal
length spacers - which is a bit of a bodge....