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Suggested boot tools?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net, jmcneal@ohms.com
Subject: Suggested boot tools?
From: "Dean Dashwood" <Dean.Dashwood@enron.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 09:46:34 +0100

I've always been of the opinion that the one thing you'll need will be the one
thing you left out, so why bother?  I like to relate the story of an old
school-teacher of mine who once had a rotor arm snap on him.  Since then he's
always carried a spare one - but never needed it.

I recently needed a new accelerator cable (mine was badly frayed, I left it a
little too long before replacing it, and it eventually resulted in the throttle
being stuck open too much to be driveable).  A friend who I was with at the time
has a spare accelerator cable which she usually kept in her car, but took it out
a week before because she "was never going to need it."

But then, using the same theory, the more parts you carry with you, the less
things there are that could go wrong!


Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 16:11:17 -0700
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Subject: Suggested boot tools?

Hi listers. I'm getting ready to begin assembling a toolbox for permanent
residency in the boot of my Spitfire.  Having had the recent experience of
conking out past dark (loose battery connection was all, thank goodness!),
I've decided that I don't want to do much more driving by the seat of my
pants without a well stocked, yet efficient set of tools for roadside
emergencies.  Other than a well-inflated spare tire and cell phone, what
would you suggest as mandatory contents for your road-ready toolkit?

Here's what I plan on taking:

1. Spare fanbelt
2. Duct tape
3. Scissors jack (looking for a folding crank handle if anyone has a spare)
4. Halon fire extinguisher
5. Quart of oil
6. Large crescent wrench
7. 11/16" open ended wrench
8. 4 lb Lead hammer (I have knockoffs)
9. Flashlight
10. A short length of fuel line hose, heater hose and radiator hose
11. Hose clamps
12. Screwdriver
13. A tube of that putty stuff that hardens like steel
14. Road flares
15. Small Voltage meter
16. Spare Fuses
17. Small spool of zip cord
18. Automobile Club membership card (for towing)
19. Empty aluminum can
20. Scissors
21. Pocket knife
22. Tire repair kit
23. Portable 12v inflater

Any other items that I should carry to (hopefully) be prepared on the road?

Best wishes,

Jeff in San Diego

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