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Re: Virus warning (yeah I know, but this ones real)

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Virus warning (yeah I know, but this ones real)
From: Douglas Frank <frank@zk3.dec.com>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 11:20:49 -0500
Jeff McNeal wrote:
> I have a standing policy to completely destroy any attachments that arrive
> unsolicited, no matter WHO they're from.  That goes for .exe and .doc files
> especially.  I delete 'em, the delete 'em from the delete folder.

Jeff's got the right idea.  Don't open any spreadsheet or Word macro
files either.

(Or, get a Unix/Linux box.)
Douglas Frank  Compaq Computer Corp.  Friendship, n.
ZKO            110 Spit Brook Rd.     A ship big enough to carry two in
603-884-0501   Nashua, NH USA 03062   fair weather, but only one in

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