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To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Fwd: OOPS
From: Fisher & Elizabeth Jones <fisher@hctc.net>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 08:37:07 -0600

>>Hello Listers,
>>         As those of you who maybe used to receiving mail from me may 
>> notice, the style of my e-mail has changed.  This is because my computer 
>> crashed and died - taking everything with it.  I had a huge back-log of 
>> e-mail to answer, and so, if anyone sent me a message in the last month 
>> and hasn't received a reply, perhaps you'd like to try re-sending.
>>Elizabeth  Jones
>>Comfort, TX

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  • Fwd: OOPS, Fisher & Elizabeth Jones <=