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oil pan gasket leakage

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: oil pan gasket leakage
From: "Chip Kigar" <ckigar@sound.net>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 15:03:34 -0600
I just completed replacing the oil pan gasket on my 1500.  It had a pretty
nasty leak right over the exhaust header which not only 'left its mark', but
dripped onto the hot pipe and smoked.  I managed the task with the engine in
place and was successful... in moving the leak.  I used 'versachem super
sure tack gasket sealant type 97' on both the vlock and the pan.  Well, I'm
a gonna try again.  Does anyone have any comments or recommendation on how I
can get it right the second time?

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