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bigger vehicles wanting your space

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: bigger vehicles wanting your space
From: Thearthurhsmith@cs.com
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 18:46:35 EST
In a message dated 3/13/00 3:45:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
wizardz@maxinter.net writes:

> ...in 1981.... at 4:00 pm in the afternoon....
>  I'm headed southbound on the highway... in the slow lane.
>  (that puts the Sun on the passenger side of the vehicle.)

In an earlier post I mentioned the significant other I use to have and 
driving the Spit. Well, one day when she was about 4 months prego we were cut 
off by a Chevy Car my roof line was barley above its window sill. As I drove 
of the road onto the shoulder barley missing a telephone pole I was hammering 
the horn button, just silence. The next day I went to the car parts place and 
bought an air horn. The next time a car wandered towards my lane I hit the 
horn, boy did that sucker jump back into the proper lane. Out on the highway 
the guy blasted his horn when he went past. But I agree with you LG there are 
to many Smeg heads behind the wheel today. If I tried that today the guy 
would probably ram me.
I have been cut off while driving my Jag around, the smeg head woman in her 
Caddy looked at me and zoomed in in front of me through a yield sign. 
Recently I was driving my Aerostar and this woman comes down the ramp onto 
the highway and I saw her mouth to her passenger "I have my blinker on" as 
she passed the yield sign and tried to get into my lane, I was there already 
ahead of her. Another time a little VW Golf tried the same move and ended up 
passing me in the breakdown lane and cut so hard in front of me the kid 
almost lost it, any closer and I could have nudged him over.
Then there was the time I was driving my 72 Super Beatle and at a 4 way stop 
I was just starting to leave the stop to go through the intersection when a 
woman drove her bigger car through cutting me off and forcing me to jam on 
the brakes. As she passed in front of me she gave me the (the hand sign, when 
you move your hand like patting someone on the head or you want them to sit 
down). I would have said something appropriate but I had my two young 
children with me.
Most of the bigger cars or safer cars (Volvo?) make the drivers feel safer 
(as someone said) and drive like they don't care. 
It can be stopped by the insurance companies but putting big penalties on the 
offenders when they cause an accident. I have considered getting a 'cop cam'  
so I would have a video record of the Smeg head. 

rant off

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