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Top installation???

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Top installation???
From: Kevin Rhodes <krhodes1@maine.rr.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 15:23:44 -0500
Hey gang,

I am sitting here preparing my "Spitfire Budget" for this year. Can anyone 
give me some advise on installing a new top? Is this something I can 
reasonably expect to do myself and do a decent job of it, or is it 
something best left to a pro? If I let a pro do it, what does the labor 
run? The one on Freddy now is a real cheapy - it's only a 4-5years old but 
has split and stretched badly. It is bad enough that my tonneau cover keeps 
the interior dryer than the top does! What is the list wisdom on what brand 
to use?  I can't afford to spend a fortune, but if a little more $$ gives a 
better fitting, longer lasting top I am willing. This is for a 77, btw.


Kevin Rhodes
Freddy the Spit of many years, who would like to stay dryer this year!

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