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Timing degrees

To: "Spitfires@autox.team.net" <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Timing degrees
From: Patrick Baize <speedracre@netzero.net>
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 21:07:58 -0600
Learned something new.  The pointers on the timing plate are at 4 degree
increments, I thought they were 2. I had my 74 set at 16 BTDC.  My new
BL book showed the plate and the timing mark divisions.

So when I went to set my timing,  I found (after 51 miles) that it was
set more than 30 degree BTDC.

Any suggestions why it would go off that much?

Anyway its set correctly now and the 74 runs a lot smoother.

63 Spitfire( still waiting)
74 Spitfire ( new altenator and timed correctly)
68 Chevy C10 (not much to do to it now)

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