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Re: Insurance Thanks

To: "Andrew Holmes" <holmes_law@hotmail.com>, <vafred@erols.com>
Subject: Re: Insurance Thanks
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 10:34:24 -0800
My original question still stands.  Has ANYONE filed a claim with Hagerty --
and how was it handled?

I think this is a fair question.

Best wishes,

Jeff in San Diego

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Holmes <holmes_law@hotmail.com>
To: <vafred@erols.com>
Cc: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: Insurance Thanks

> As former insurance defense trial counsel (3 years ago), I have to
> with you, Fred.
> State regulation of insurers is poor, at best, and bad claims practices
> continue unabated.  CNA may be a decent underwriter, but as someone with
> firsthand knowledge of most major (and many minor) insurance companies,
> don't let your guard down for one minute.  Most insurance companies are
> for-profit entities, and they make their money, in large part, by not
> out.
> I'm not naming any names, nor do I mean to disparage any insurer, but
> accept the first offer of settlement from any insurer.
> My two cents.
> Andrew Holmes
> '66 mkII spit
> >From: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
> >Reply-To: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
> >To: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>, "Ken Waringa"
> >       "Triumphs" <triumphs@autox.team.net>
> >CC: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
> >Subject: Re: Insurance Thanks
> >Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 10:45:48 -0500
> >
> >Jeff, it is unwritten by CNA, one of the largest insurers in the world,
> >also have a state regulatory agency keeping rip-offs out. You take the
> >where you want it repaired. The insurance industry is very well regulated
> >today, not so 25/30 years ago.  "FT"
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: Jeff McNeal <jmcneal@ohms.com>
> >To: Ken Waringa <kwaringa@dynsys.com>; Triumphs <triumphs@autox.team.net>
> >Cc: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
> >Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 9:39 AM
> >Subject: Re: Insurance Thanks
> >
> >
> > >
> > > I also need insurance and the information about Hagerty looks awfully
> > > attractive.  However I have just one, simple question.  Has ANYONE on
> >the
> > > list filed a claim with Hagerty?  If so, how small/large was it and
> >well
> > > was it handled?  The low cost of the premium means nothing if the
> > > underwriters decide to reject your claim.
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: Ken Waringa <kwaringa@dynsys.com>
> > > To: Triumphs <triumphs@autox.team.net>
> > > Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 5:44 AM
> > > Subject: Insurance Thanks
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks to all that were talking about car insurance over the last
> >couple
> > > > weeks.  I wasn't aware of Hagarty Insurance, or any other classic
> > > > insurers.  I had intended to insure my TR6 with GEICO, just like the
> >rest
> > > of
> > > > my cars.  I called Hagarty yesterday and got a quite of $83.00 for a
> >year
> > > of
> > > > full coverage, with a $6000 car value.  That's unbelievable.  I
> > > about
> > > > insuring my 74 Midget, but until my son graduates college and gets
> >own
> > > > car, that is considered his primary vehicle.
> > > >
> > > > This list is just incredible.  Not only is there an unlimited amount
> >of
> > > > knowledge available and readily shared, the advise received can save
> > > > hundreds of dollars (that will end up going into the car).
> > > >
> > > > Thank You.
> > > >
> > > > Ken Waringa
> > > >
> > >
> >

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