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Killer Squirrels and other Rodents !!

To: "Spitfires Listserv" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Killer Squirrels and other Rodents !!
From: "John & Judy Tones" <jtones@home.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 18:58:27 -0800
Sorry to hear about your problems Ree but I can add that you are lucky that
this happened in your driveway. A number of years back I was involved in
servicing remote radio sites and left the 4X4 at the end of the road and
hiked into the site. Stayed there for several days doing some major refits
and when I got back to the truck it would not start. When I lifted the hood,
it was obvious why it was dead, porcupines had invaded and eaten ALL items
with rubber in them - rad hoses, fan belts, wiring loom  - you name it !
Man was I ever glad I had done such a good job on that radio site because I
had to use it to call for another vehicle from the town about 45 miles away.
I have heard that those pepper containing substances work quite well so have
at it and good luck on your eradication project - Save The Spitfire !!!

John Tones, Victoria - Canada
'69 MK III Spit / '71 GT-6 / '78 - 1500 Spit.

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