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RE: FW: FW: Great American Gas Out!]

To: "Spitfires@Autox. Team. Net \(E-mail\)" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: FW: FW: Great American Gas Out!]
From: "David Stewart" <dstewar1@twcny.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 19:01:24 -0500
In 1972 when I started driving, gas was still $0.25 a gallon, and
occasionally, you'd get a "gas war" going and it would get down to $0.19 or
even less.  Okay, I did grow up in Texas, so maybe gas was cheaper there.
Maybe Laura G. can tell us, even though I'm sure she isn't old enough to
speak from experience.  Of course, that all changed in the gas shortage of
73-74, when OPEC formed and they realized, much like the robber barons of a
century earlier, that they could control prices and line their pockets if
they just practiced a little gentlemanly collusion.  But I still think we
have the best gas prices in the world (except maybe Mexico), and I would not
want to go to war over gas prices!

David Stewart
Brewerton, NY
1980 Spitfire

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