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To: spitlist <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Logo
From: "John Knox" <jknox@hcsd.iu5.org>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 11:10:32 -0500
Fellow listers,

I haven't weighed in on this whole club thing as well as the logo's as I
really didn't think I cared one way or another.  Then as I have thought
about it I have decided that I would like to join and so I figured I
would weigh in as well.  I don't like the idea of a logo with a plane,
indian head, etc as the sole figure.  The camo spit or the plane and car
are ok, but I have to agree with others that the logo would not make
much sense outside of the few people on this list.  There really isn't
an obvious connection between the british air whatever with the NASS.
There is a logical connection between the plane and the club.  Also I
would bet that 99% of the people wouldn't get the connection if there
were just a plane on the logo.  As far as a newsletter, I would be
willing to pay an annual fee for that, as well as a group of member
parts suppliers. Ted's offer to offer a discount has really influenced
my decission.  As I will be soon providing a nice nest egg for his
retirement, I would love to take advantage of a discount.

1970 mk3 in pieces

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