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Re: NASS - The BIG problem

To: "Chris Sharp" <sharpc@interaxs.net>,
Subject: Re: NASS - The BIG problem
From: "wizardz" <wizardz@maxinter.net>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 10:57:14 -0500
NASS has ONE imminent problem. (besides cluttering THIS list)
Like all other clubs, management and maintenance will be
a nightmare... and dropped. It's hard enough when you have
members in an area that can sit down and met regularly.

There are over 131 Triumph clubs throughout the US. Not everyone
is on the Web!
If you can't find one in your area, Start one.
Then after a year of whiners crying because this or that didn't
work for the club...then come back and try a National Organization.

Hence...my 30+ hours of logo work...I'm canning.
It wouldn't be appreciated for what it is... so I'll just frame it for 

Paul Tegler  wizardz@toad.net        http://www.teglerizer.com 
OBie - '73 BGT - daily driver  
Punkin' - '78 Spitfire - corner ripping screamer 
Lil' Greenee - '73 RWA Midget - lady killer  

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Sharp <sharpc@interaxs.net>
To: Spitfires@Autox. Team. Net (E-mail) <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 10:45 AM
Subject: RE: NASS

I have to agree with Dean.  Although I'm in the US, I'm not really hot on
the idea of joining another club.  Nothing against clubs, I just don't have
the time available right now to get involved.

However, this list has been great as I've learned quite a bit from other
folks experiences and even tracked down a few hard to find parts.  To me,
the benefits of the list outweigh the hassle of extra e-mails that I'm not
interested in.  For that reason, I'll stay on the list even though I'm not a
NASS member.

The real goal as I understand it is to get the NASS info out to the people
who want it.  May I make a couple of suggestions?
- Approach Team.net to build a NASS list in addition to the Spitfire list.
It's a pretty simple thing to do and that way people could subscribe to one
or both as they may be so inclined.
- Include a trailer on your non NASS e-mails that advertise its existence.
This way, anyone new to the list will discover you and be able to join.
- If you have to use the list for NASS, please put NASS in the Subject line.
Those not interested can delete them or set up a filter to scratch them
before they are downloaded or read.

I'm sure we can find a way to meet the goals of all Spitfire owners/drivers
who use this list without excessively burdening those not particularly
interested in NASS.

64 Spitfire4 BFC26375L -- On the road and lovin' life!

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-spitfires@autox.team.net
[mailto:owner-spitfires@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of Dean Dashwood
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 4:32 AM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: NASS


I've said this before, but probably didn't come straight to the point, so
time I will.  I think the concept of the NASS is great, but please *don't*
the list as an official forum for it!

Since I live in the UK, I will not be involved in the NASS, and do not need
receive masses of e-mail about it.  The level of mail I've been receiving
roughly trippled since the idea of the NASS was conceived, and unfortunately
simply don't have time to wade through all this.  I'd hate to have to leave
resource as great as this list, but I may be forced to unless the NASS can
somewhere else to discuss it's business.

Again, it's a great idea, and I wish everyone who is involved in it luck in
setting it up and getting it going.  But please spare a thought for us
non-American listers too!



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