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Re: A third heard for Elkhart, WI

To: Spitfire Discussion Group <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: A third heard for Elkhart, WI
From: R A Woodward <r.woodward@home.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 00:09:43 -0600

"Ron St. John" wrote:
> Scott & Bill:
> I'll be the third to say it would be a pleasure to meet in Elkhart.  I
> haven't been to the June Sprints since the '70's (mariage, kids,
> life...).  Got my '70 Mk III back from the body shop today.  The
> exterior looks better now than in '75 when I bought it.  Still have a
> lot of work to do though.  Wish it would quit snowing in Chicago.

My Spitfire and I live in Madison, so this would be a can-do for us.

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