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Re: plane vs. car

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: plane vs. car
From: Ajtornetta@aol.com
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 20:16:10 EST
             Although the Supermarine Spitfire was a war machine, you cannot 
put it in the same catagory as the M-16, or a handgranade. These 2 items have 
only one purpose , to kill. The Spitfire was an aircraft with speed and 
beauty.Without it's armament it's still a useful and beautiful machine. You 
can use a Supermarine Spitfire for the enjoyment of flying, without anyone 
being in harms way. You cannot use an M-16 or handgrenade for any other 
purpose but to kill.
           Please don't classify these weopons with the Spitfire. Lighten up.
    Where do I sign up?
 ' 77 Spitfire 142,142 miles (driven everyday between March 1st and December 
 ' 65 Morgan 4/4 43000 miles (in pieces)

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