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GT6 Project for sale. Drat.

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: GT6 Project for sale. Drat.
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@autox.team.net>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 14:43:18 -0700 (MST)

A fellow here in the Salt Lake area has a 1970 GT6+ he'd like to sell.  In
truth, he'd actually like to keep it, but he's working on buying a share of
an airplane or some such nonsense, so he's trying to raise some cash.

The car was stripped down to a bare tub a few years back, he had the minor
dings, dents, and surface rust finally taken care of last year.  It was a
pretty solid car to begin with, the body man was able to do what needed to be
done without using plastic fillers.  Currently it is covered with zinc
chromate primer, awaiting paint.  He's not touched the engine, we know the
gearbox is on its way out, but a supposedly rebuilt one is included, as well
as a few left over gearbox bits I threw in the deal back when he bought it
from me.

Yep, it is a car I used to own.  Saw it sitting in the back of a repair shop
one summer day, still there a month later, still there many months later.
Hopefully I won't drag this story out too long, but I jumped through the
necessary hoops with the state DMV to get a title for it, once the shop owner
got a few of my dollars.  Hmm, reminds me I need to get started on the
paperwork for this MG Midget I should try to sell this summer.

Anyway, I got the car titled ( it may be a salvage/rebuilt title, my memory
is a bit hazy) running, insured and on the street.  It was the car I took to
the East High Auto Body shop one fateful winter Wednesday, when the class
spent little time working on their projects, preferring to huddle around the
radio, as President Bush, various officials and assorted media folks informed
us that the bombing of Iraq had begun.  That should give you some idea of the
time frame involved.

The current owner would like to get about $2500 for it and all the parts that
go with it, like the 6" alloy Minilite style wheels that I've been using on
my Mark 1 Spit.  Shucks.  If interested, let me know, I can provide a few
more details, and if you get serious about it, put you in touch with the
owner.  And of course, appropriate bribes could convince me to slap it on my
little trailer and drag it for a day or two to your doorstep.  Denver, yes;
Ney York, well, uh, ....

I'd like to buy this car myself.  The first Triumph I ever owned was a GT6+,
and I've always wanted another.  Well, I've had a number of them pass through
my hands over the last couple of decades, you know how that goes.  This one
was quite solid, no real rust or damage.  The interior needed help, as one
would suspect, but it was a good little car, could be a solid basis for a
street driver, vintage racer or even that F Prepared autocrosser I've been
thinking about.

I doubt the credit union loan department would go for it, drat.  Maybe if I
sold my Mark 1 Spit, or that triple DCOE TR6 setup I have stashed away, or
made some effort at turning over the many thousands of dollars I have wasting
away in new, used and NOS inventory....

So many cars, so little time.


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