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Re: Camospit

To: Tburke4@aol.com
Subject: Re: Camospit
From: "Bradley D. Richardson" <brichard@us.oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 13:59:56 -0600
Joe, the URL you've listed here doesn't work.



Tburke4@aol.com wrote:
> Folks,
> Thanks to the inimitable Joe Curry, we have a picture of the Camouflaged
> Spitfire. I thought that this, mounted on a roundel, encircled with the
> Squadron name might make a good patch/logo. It's a little simpler than the
> RAF Emblems, which are very regal, but, may be harder for Mr. Jannell to
> reproduce (though that's for him to say, of course). Otherwise, maybe Patrick
> could use it in the hangar. In any case, you can see it at:
> <A HREF="ftp://members.aol.com:/tburke4/private/spitstuff/camospit";>ftp://memb
> ers.aol.com:/tburke4/private/spitstuff/camospit</A>
> Thanks again, Joe.
> Tom Burke
> 80 Spitfire

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