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Logo contest idea

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Logo contest idea
From: Susan Hensley <susan@bearcom.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 14:38:02 -0600
Hi all!

On the topics of logos, one of the listers suggested we have a contest,
which I thought was a good idea.  Maybe anyone who is so inclined can
make a design by a certain date, email it to someone who can put them
all on line, and we all vote on the one we like best.  

I can handle the entire process, if everyone is agreed on this method. 
The main thing is the actual creation of this club -- the details need
to get worked out before we spend time on logos.  I LOVE the idea of
squadrons and flights, etc.  Maybe you can work your way up in rank by
the number of spits you have, the time you have been in the club, and
any other criteria we find useful.  Count me in!  Just let's have some
events near Dallas!!  ;)

Keep Triumphing,
Susan   :)

PS -- I agree on acceptance of the GT6 as well.

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