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Wooden dash

To: "List, Spitfire" <spitfires@autox.team.net>, jfm@ballistic.com
Subject: Wooden dash
From: Richard Gosling <rbgos@perkins-engines.com>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2000 10:29:00 +0000

I have no idea where you'd find a wooden dash in the States, but since
no-one over your side has answered your call for a wooden dash, you
might consider ordering from the UK.

Options are - Rimmer Bros, who do a teak one for GBP 104.37 (part no.
WKC 2100)
TRGB who list a Walnut dash for GBP 109.95 (part no. WKC3390)
Moss who list a veneered dash (doesn't say what wood) for GBP 98.50
(part no WKC3410, probably, but they list several depending on model
year, so best to check)

These prices are approx $160-170, with no tax to pay since they are for

The Rimmers and TRGB ones are for RHD cars, but they can probably do LHD
as well (I'd be very surprised if Rimmers don't), the Moss is
specifically for LHD.  At those sort of prices you will probably save
money over the VB dash even with the shipping.

Phone numbers are 011 44 (to get to the UK), then:
Rimmers - 1522 56800
TRGB - 1487 842168
Moss - 20 88672020

Alternatively, just unbolt the old dash and get to work with the
sandpaper and the varnish, and save yourself a few $$$!

Richard Gosling and Daffy (Handbrake fixed, engine mounts fixed, now all
she needs is a new exhaust!)

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