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racing spits

To: "spit" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: racing spits
From: "James Libecco" <jfl@neoucom.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 00:46:53 -0500
I think that the spit can be a lot of fun as well as being cheap to run in
autox.  Road racing is another matter.
    For autox, I ran in HSP last year and lost weekly to a few acuras and
celicas.  I usually ran within a second to two seconds of the class win,
unless a few key racers were there (those who placed in the trophies at
nationals...).  I decided to move to ESP for next year, only because I am
altering the headers and carbs (to twin SU).  I would be careful about
cutting down the head as someone previously recommended though.  SCCA says
only 20/1000's unless specified elsewise by the manufacturer as a repair.
any info on this?

By far the best Stock class legal mods I made were to go to a dearched rear
spring.  SCCA says no spring mods for stock, but it doesn't say anything
about using a plain worn out twenty year old factory rear spring :).  This
got rid of any jacking tendency in the car.  I can now run it on my old worn
out shocks well beyond any question of handling. Just need more power.  That
is what prompted the move to ESP for next year.  The class works out well
since all of the big contenders from DSP last year stayed as DSP.  The other
big deal is to get a good set of tires.  Not sticky street tires.   NO,
break down and get a set of hoosiers or kuhmo's.  It makes a huge

Right now I have a total of less than $2k in my whole deal and run within
site of the front of the pack.  That is cheap racing as far as I am
concerned.  I spent more than that racing bicycles a year and I worked a
whole hell of a lot harder...


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