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Re: Did Moss send the wrong catalog?

To: Jeff McNeal <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Subject: Re: Did Moss send the wrong catalog?
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 14:50:31 -0700
What you see is what you get!  Moss does not recognize the older Spits
at all!

There are actually quite a few parts that are interchangeable between
the early and late Spits.  There are also some parts that are
interchangeable between Spits and other cars that Moss supports.  I only
wish someone in that organization would take the initiative to address
that issue.


Jeff McNeal wrote:
> Well, I've ordered my Spitfire Magazine subscription.  How fun!  I'm looking
> forward to receiving the first issue.  Maybe someday, my car can even be IN
> it!
> Onto the subject line of my post:  I ordered a catalog from Moss recently
> for my Mk3 Spitfire and was disappointed to receive on for TR7 and MkIV and
> up models only.  What's up with that?  Does Moss wash their hands of earier
> Spitfires?  Or did they merely send me the wrong catalog by mistake?  From
> looking at their list of available catalogs, it appears that they have
> written off the round tail market.  Additionally, I'm curious as to just how
> many parts from MkIV's and 1500's are still interchangeable with Mk3's.  A
> few?  Some?  None?
> I realize that there are several other good sources for Mk3 parts, but I was
> just wondering what the deal was with Moss.  When I used to own an MGA I
> bought a lot of product from them during my restoration.
> Best wishes,
> Jeff

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