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Re: No leaded fuel. What to do?

To: Richard Gosling <rbgos@perkins-engines.com>,
Subject: Re: No leaded fuel. What to do?
From: "John Knox" <jknox@hcsd.iu5.org>
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 15:23:39 -0500

I know every vintage car list goes through this subject, and it has quieted
in the US somewhat.  However, having been without leaded fuel for twenty
years at least I can tell you that I have run unleaded in everything and not
had a problem.  I simply wouldn't worry about it.  I t isn't a problem.
Most people in the US have found this out.  There was quite a bit of hype
here as well, but most of that has stopped as people just switched to


Richard Gosling wrote:

> Quick follow-up to my message earlier about what to do about unleaded
> fuel.
> The four products endorsed by the FBHVC are:
> Millers VSP Plus, (manganese type)  Millers Oils Ltd
> Freephone: 0800 281 053
> Red Line Lead Substitute, (sodium type)  Delta Oil Ltd
> Telephone: 01476 861 195
> Superblend Zero Lead, (potassium type)  Superblend Lubricants Ltd
> Telephone: 0116 291 1700
> Valvemaster,  (phosphorus type) Associated Octel Co Ltd
> Telephone: 01908  273 606
> As someone else mentioned a day or two ago, to call these numbers from
> the US dial '011 44' then the number above without the first '0'.  I
> doubt the freephone number will work this way, however, so I'm not sure
> how you'd contact Millers.
> At least one of these is also an octane booster, but I'm not sure which.
> The press release that announced this can be found at:
> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/motordata/page25.html
> VERY IMPORTANT POINT - these products are NOT mutually compatable, so
> pick one and STICK WITH IT, mixing them could (apparently) cause more
> damage than not using them at all!  The same goes for the various
> different suppliers of LRP in Britain, DO NOT mix petrol from different
> brands.  For the same reason, do not add an additive to LRP "just to be
> on the safe side", use additives only with standard unleaded.
> Good luck!
> Richard Gosling
> Daffy (Inca yellow '78 Spit 1500)

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