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Thanks Re: Lemans spitfires

To: spitlist@gte.net
Subject: Thanks Re: Lemans spitfires
From: thomas a strange <jantoms@vbe.com>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 17:20:43 -0600
Thanks to all who offered info on the LeMans spitfires.  Hopefully I have the
info I need now.  I am attempting to authenticate a supposedly original
piece.  If I have coming what it is supposed to be I'll let everyone know.  It
will probably be the middle or end of January before I see the piece, but I'm
kind of holding my breath waiting for it.
  Thanks to everyone.

Joe Curry wrote:

> Tom,
> I have some photos that I digitized for Scott Barr who shot them at
> Laguna Seca a couple of years ago.  They are of AUD4B.  They are the
> ones that are on the Amical Spitfire (French Club) Web Page.
> http://spitfire.amicale.com/indexe.htm  Look under PHOTOS then AUD's.
> YOu will find some shots there.  If you click on AUD4B you will find the
> photos I submitted.
> Also there is a photo at: http://members.aol.com/lilljaweb/SpitSpec.html
> thomas a strange wrote:
> >
> > Good morning all,
> >   I am looking for pictures of the LeMans spitfires.  I would like
> > something that shows decent front views.  Anyone if there are any posted
> > on the net?  If not, where can I go to find some.
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Tom
> --
> "If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
>  -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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