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Re: TSSC product review

To: Brad Kahler <brad.kahler@141.com>
Subject: Re: TSSC product review
From: Alan Lemen <alemen@ftconnect.com>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 09:01:54 -0800
Folks from the US the numbers will need to be 011 at the beginning and not 00.

011 being the US code to dial to get international. This is normal from most
states in the US.

UK is original home for me so I should know. Also if you ever get a UK local 
number then drop the leading 0 and add the 011-44.
UK numbers always almost give what you dial unlike US numbers where more than
often they drop the leading 1 for the long distance calls. A killer for those 
out of the country when the first arrive and can never seem to get through.


Brad Kahler wrote:

> Leon, thanks for correcting the info I posted.  Only question is on phoning
> from the US.  I listed the number I have to dial to make a direct call to
> England.  I suppose it might vary from area to area over hear however.
> Later
> >
> > Listers,
> >
> > I have here in front if me the latest copy of the TSSC magazine:
> >
> > The correct details are now:
> >
> > TSSC website:
> >
> > http://www.tssc.uk.com
> >
> > TSSC H.Q. e-mail:
> >
> > tssc@tssc.uk.com
> >
> > TSSC Courier magazine email:
> >
> > courier@the-studio.demon.co.uk
> >
> > TSSC Offers Dept website:
> >
> > http://www.tssc-hq.demon.co.uk/offers.html
> >
> > TSSC Offers Dept email:
> >
> > Cluboffers@aol.com
> >
> > Not cluboffer@ aol.com as previously posted.
> >
> > The TSSC Offers manager is John Muggleton
> > and the TSSC Offers Co-ordinator is Cain Foskett
> >
> > I understood that the phone number from the USA was 00-44-1858-434424
> > and the FAX was 00-44-1858-431936
> >
> > The HQ is open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, and Saturday mornings, unless
> > at a big show. (local times)
> >
> > TSSC does not cater for TR cars, only Spitfires, GT6, Herald, Vitesse, Bond
> > Equipes and specials, simply because that is the province of the TR Register
> > at TR.Register@onyxnet.co.uk
> >
> > I hope that is all clear now!
> >
> > Kind Regards
> >
> > Léon F Guyot
> >
> > Triumph Sports Six Club
> > International Liaison Secretary
> > 1963 Triumph Vitesse 2-Litre Convertible
> Brad  (Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)
> My Triumph Web Site Http://www.141.com/triumphs (updated 4/29/99)
> My Dodge Web Site Http://www.141.com/dodge (updated 4/7/99)
> 1964 Spitfire4 BFC25720L -- Now camber compensated!
> 1962 TR4 CT288L -- lots & lots of teeny pieces
> 1962 TR3B TCF1564L
> 1951 1/2 ton Dodge Truck B-3-B-108
> 19xx Mayflower (still searching for one)

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