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Re: Commentary on WHY ME? (Long)

To: Laura.G@141.com, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Commentary on WHY ME? (Long)
From: Metallian6@aol.com
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 20:32:57 EST
I agree with Laura. For one the little hooligans should be tracked down, 
tortured, and sacrificed to the Triumph god for vandalizing a Spitfire. Well, 
maybe that's taking it a bit to far but at least arrest the thief's and lock 
them up in jail for a while. I hate it when some says I should get a "good" 
or "normal" car. That makes me want to drive my LBCs that much more. 

1962 Austin Healey Sprite MK ll (Restoration in progress)
1979 Spitfire 1500 (Daily driver) "Judas"
1976 Spitfire 1500 (Body shell)
1979 Trans Am
Web site link:  <A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/darkside/mycar.html";>Wel
come to my british car site</A>

In a message dated 12/02/1999 8:09:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Laura.G@141.com writes:

<< I agree completely!
 And yes, I 've been told the same thing-it's my fault for owning that car.
 Do people say that because they think it'll force me to get a "normal
 car-like everyone else"? Au contraire. It pushes me to be even more of and
 individualist and go against whatever it is their pushing me towards.
 Poor, jealous, ignorant, sheeplike sots!
 Laura G. >>


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