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Re: Fred Thomas' post on friendship

To: jonmac <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>, Spitfires List <Spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Re: Fred Thomas' post on friendship
From: Albert F Jones <fisher@hctc.net>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 18:29:25 -0600
Hello List,

        Perhaps I am in error, I often am, but what has Fred's message about
friendship to do with someone whose first language isn't English?  As
another Brit. living in the US I have to come see, from first hand, that
there are many differences between American and English.  Fred's poem was
about Friendship, not about barriers, be they language, culture, or even
bad manners.  I thought that Francois was saying that he left the Spitfire
list because there were too many messages for him to handle, especially in
a foreign language, ergo a time constraint, not an academic one.

        My own, very limited, abilities in the French language have always been
treated with great kindness and understanding, I could offer no less a
civility to others.

        I do not know to whom Jonmac is referring at the foot of his message, 
I doubt very much if the gentlemany Mr. Fred Thomas would ever stoop to
such base statements, or expressisng sentiments which would purposely
offend his fellow man.

        I don't understand what DK wants his mind changed about, perhaps he will
tell me.  This is not meant to be a 'clever' remark, I really don't see the

Elizabeth Jones
Perplexed in Comfort.
At 03:59 PM 11/18/99 -0600, Don Kerr wrote:
>To JONMAC and FRANCOIS.......
>   HEAR HEAR SIR, HEAR HEAR.....So say I.  Bl**#y right an' all that. 
>You know what , the silence is defening. An' I thought Americans were
>supposed to be for the oppressed. Come on, some one, just some one,
>change my mind.....DK ,  ex pat Brit,or Limey, now living in the
>jonmac wrote:
>> On November 18, I wrote:
>> >>>>It's clear there are some people on this list who have a
>> >competence to speak and write another language - in this
>> >case, French....
>> This is the reply I received from Francois Demont of Amicale
>> Spitfire
>> >I'm no longer member of the triumph lists (spitfires had my
>> preference) for only one reason : too many messages in a day
>> Francois has conveyed his view. French speakers are clearly
>> welcome to join the Amicale group. Having said that, I was
>> disheartened to receive a post from one of us on the English
>> speaking list whose identity should remain anonymous. My
>> only response to you, Sir - is that your bigoted insular
>> outlook and abject refusal to help any 'sonofabitch' who
>> can't speak YOUR language entirely negates the purpose of
>> this global marque facility. I think I would rather spend a
>> day with a terminally rabid dog than one minute in your
>> presence. I hope I never have the misfortune of meeting you
>> face to face.
>> Jonmac

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