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RE: Spitfire cost of ownership

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Spitfire cost of ownership
From: "Mostrom, Paul" <Mostrom.Paul@principal.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 11:32:39 -0600

You have an advantage that most of us do not have,  no prior owners.  I must
admit that I put a great deal of wear and tear on my Spit, but most of what I
have had to repair was done prior to my ownership.  

On the whole, my '77 (once restored) has not cost me any more than my other

Paul Mostrom
'77 Spitfire 1500
'80 Ford F-100 (Triumph Support Vehicle) 
'Black holes, where God divided by zero......'


-----Original Message-----
From: Simmons, Reid W [mailto:reid.w.simmons@intel.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 10:50 AM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Spitfire cost of ownership

Gee, I have averaged about 1/10 that amount over the 20+ years I've had my
Spitfire (~$120/year excluding gas and oil), and that includes the
restoration that I am currently involved in.  It's the cheapest car I have
ever owned, except for a '58 Volkswagen (my first car), which only needed a
fan belt replacement in all the time I had it.

'79 Spitfire (original owner)

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou [mailto:dougbert@rcn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 5:57 AM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Shoping in the DC area; skip Motorhead and go to Mountjoy

They also claim that you ought to budget $100/month for service of a
which isn't so far from the truth, in my opinion...

'72 Spit

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