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Ripped Off?

To: Spitfires Maillist <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Ripped Off?
From: Vic Whitmore <vicwhit@home.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:45:15 -0400
I have a problem with a purchase made through Yahoo Classifieds and would
appreciate any assistance you can provide about the individual involved on the
selling end. The Yahoo ad was for a Weber DGV complete with a Cannon manifold
for a Spitfire 1500. Through e-mails I was able to agree to pricing and delivery
and followed up with a mail order. I got one message after that that said he
received the money and would send the goods. That was October 8th. Nothing has
been received and there are no replies to e-mails. I'm willing to give this
person the benefit of the doubt and there is some honest reason why I haven't
got the goods and he doesn't return messages. But I fear that the money is gone
and I've been duped.

If you have any information about this person, please send what you have. Here
is the info I have to date.

Joseph L. Mata 283 Vineyard Dr. San Jose, Ca 95119 (408) 
229-9455 Home (Message) or (408) 388-3065 Pager Voice Mail, and (408) 
226-2784 Message phone.
Email: Matamann@aol.com

When I tried the 229-9455 number this morning, it is disconnected. The 226-2784
line is answered by an answering machine by Mary with "rooms to rent". I did not
leave a message.

If your interested, here is the URL for the Yahoo ad:

Please direct your responses directly to me or the Spitfire list (I'm not on the
Triumph list).

Vic Whitmore
76 Spitfire
Thornhill, Ontario

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