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Re: Putting away the toy for the winter

To: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>, "Craig Smith" <CraigS@iewc.com>,
Subject: Re: Putting away the toy for the winter
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 10:24:45 -0700
But Fred,

We've had one earthquke in 4 or 5 years compared to how many hurricanes and
inches of rain? Of course, there are all the little tremors-but you can't
even feel those. And remember-the only place in the Unisted States where
there's no real seismic activity is somplace in the Dakotas. New York state
and Boston have had earthquakes in the past few years. And the strongest
earthquake-historical-was in 1810 on the New Madrid fault in-Missouri!
(Sorry-I didn't had biology and chemistry in high school-in Colorado btw-I
had geology! Did my paper on earthquakes)

Mudslides are only a problem for the wealthy, ecologically irresponsible who
insist on building million dollar homes where they really shouldn't. The
rest of us just watch their houses slip slide away!

As for fires, they have fire season in Oregon and Colorado too...anyway
where there's trees and wilderness and dry seasons.

So, how many days of beautiful-Spitfire driving, top down weather do we have
in comparision to other places? (Don't even get me started on Florida-my
beloved aunt lives outside Orlando-went once, hated the weather! She's
always complaining about the weather!)

I rest my case. ;-)

Laura G.-in beautiful, sunny southern California!

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