Hi everybody,
For all of you who are in the southern California area, or thinking about
being here the first week in November, here's something fun for everyone!
Triumph Register of Southern California wants you all to know that we're
having a car show at the Brackett Air Fair-it's sort of last minute, I know,
but looks like it could be a lot of fun.
The details...
When: November 6th and 7th, (sat & sun) 1999
Where: Brackett Airport, La Verne, California
(Next to the L.A. Fairgrounds- Fairplex)
Time: 9am to 4 pm each day
Aircraft and warbird fly bys and static displays and vendors. Helicoptor
and aircraft rides, skydiving and all the usual air show fun stuff.
Please call Marty Lodawer at (818) 998.5753
Or you can contact me at Laura.G@141.com and I'll pass it along to Marty.
(He needs a car count due to space.)
If you want to bring your plane and leave the LBC at home, please contact
Jim Courson at (626) 281- 9336
Hope to see you there!
Laura Gharazeddine (And "Nigel"-1978 Triumph Spitfire 1500)