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Triumphest 1999 - Great Event - Thanks!

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Triumphest 1999 - Great Event - Thanks!
From: Michael_Bayrock@translink.bc.ca
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:06:40 -0700
I'm passing this note on from the President of the BC Triumph Registry.
>From the sounds of it, it was a terrific place to be, and I'll have to try
to make it next year!


   Just a note of thanks to you "all"  for putting on a "Great"  event from
the "British Columbia  Triumph Registry" .
      Our wives were Very appreciative of the "Many" other  ( non-car ) fun
activities that were arranged.
      The tours were really neat . I wish we had gone on the PIC rally ,but
a day around the pool was in order & most of us had done the Friday Driving
     John Sulentich travelled back in Bonzai style in 1 day on Sunday &
Denis Thompson & Derek Young did the same on Monday proving  "Wedge"
Dependability does prevail !!
      Olivier Martineau, Dennis Overholt, Casy VanDen Dorpel  (all of their
wives) & Tina  & I did a BART tour of  SF (Sunday) then left for the Napa
Valley  on Monday & had a fabulous tour of the many wineries. Oh  Yeah some
of us were brave enough  to try  mud wrestling ( I mean mud baths ). Two
days are required to do that properly ,so we hopefully will be able to do
that in the future .   The road up at the North end of the valley is
FANTASTIC & we were able to cruise to Portland for an overnighter .
      Everyone got home safe & sound with the only apparent road incidents
being "1out of gas ", "1new set of tires" .   So,       there was "NO" Uff
Da for the Canadians !  ( eh ?)

Brian Thomlinson
BC Triumph Registry

Michael Bayrock
Sectetary, BCTR

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