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Re: Dual SU pictures

To: Greg Ames <greg.ames.90@alum.dartmouth.org>
Subject: Re: Dual SU pictures
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:09:59 -0700
Where did you get that cable accelerator adapter?  I'm talking about the
parts that mount on the manifold and convert the cable to the throttle

I fabricated a setup like that by looking at the pictures of the HS4
setup in the Haynes catalog, but this is the only other one I have seen
on an HS2 setup.


Greg Ames wrote:
> I took several pictures of my dual SU HS2 installation and threw them up on
> the web.  Mainly as an excuse to borrow/play with a digital camera, but
> also to help Ken C, who is in the middle of a similar conversion.
> If you're interested, check out: http://www.ultranet.com/~tga/spitfire/

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