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clutch travel

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: clutch travel
From: "Tom Ambrose" <tambrose@tir.com>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 12:00:27 -0400

Before my clutch master cylinder failed, I noticed that the gears would
engage with less clutch release than a few months before. I suppose it was a
gradual change, but it seemed more pronounced recently.

 What I mean is, after pressing the clutch to the floor, first gear would
engage with the pedal released to a little more than an inch from the floor.
Reverse even closer.

I replaced the master cylinder and bench bled it. Changed the pipe. Bled the
system. Now the clutch engages even closer! I haven't noticed any leaks in
my slave.

What do you think? Still air in the system or something more sinister?

Thanks again for your advice. For someone like me these lists have been


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